Tuesday 3rd December

Burnley to Accrington (photo 57 of 135)

Canalside warehouse building at Rose Grove



This looks like the canal loading dock of Butterworth and Dickinson Ltd. Globe Works, Rosegrove built in 1906 to make textile machinery. The machinery was sent by barge to Liverpool docks until 1938. 1 barge 2men 1 horse 2 days 50 tons. The barge went into the docks alongside the ship and the cases were lifted direct onto the ship, by the ship's derricks
No problems

Comment by John. D.Butterworth - 1st September 2010

its also a good place to wind (turn around) have several times after visting rose grove. you can still see the mooring rings in the all, presumblly where boatd would have tied up

Comment by Jon A - 15th September 2010

This is the loading loading dock of Butterworth and Dickinson Ltd. The original plan was for a railway siding to be built into the factory,with the despatch department at the Liverpool Road end. The railway company demanded too much money, so after making a deal with the canal company, the factory was built the other way round with the assembly and packing near the canal dock

Comment by John.D.Butterworth - 27th December 2010

I was an apprentice at Butts & Dicks in the 1960's and played for their very successful soccer team. I now live in New Zealand but remember my time there fondly.

Barry Pinder

Comment by Barry Pinder - 24th June 2014

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